”Kasvua ja kehitystä on tullut kaikilla alueilla. Olemme oppineet mm. kaksi uutta torkkuasentoa riippumatossa. Olemme kehittyneet herkkujen ilmasta nappaamisessa. Myös vedenpinnan katselussa on tullut merkittävää kehitystä.”
-Touko Hujanen, valokuvataiteilija
It is 10 years of KUCKU contemporary art festivals and - WE ALL NEED SOME REST.
We need rest globally and we need rest locally. The globe needs rest from us. We need rest from never ending work, social media, survival mode, best versions of ourselves and rest from others telling what to do.
And attention! Rest is not being numb, or being able to work more effectively afterwards. Rest is resistance. Resting is taking active role in the circle of life not in the circle of productivity and hierarchies.
For our artists association, Loviisa Contemporary, REST means collective daydreaming and napping, record listening, smelling scents, reading books and talking about them, having common sauna with ceramics, paddling along Loviisa Bay in a group, having our own lynchian radio program about something that we dont know yet, making our own synthetizators, jamming, cooking together, being philosophic and amazingly talented thinkers in the kitchen, walking and talking in the dark autumn forest and making outdoor crocuis. All in all - being social or unsocial in time and place. IRL.
Join us if you please, lets rest in peace together! Follow our instagram/webpage to get more info of exact happenings during the year!
-Touko Hujanen, valokuvataiteilija
It is 10 years of KUCKU contemporary art festivals and - WE ALL NEED SOME REST.
We need rest globally and we need rest locally. The globe needs rest from us. We need rest from never ending work, social media, survival mode, best versions of ourselves and rest from others telling what to do.
And attention! Rest is not being numb, or being able to work more effectively afterwards. Rest is resistance. Resting is taking active role in the circle of life not in the circle of productivity and hierarchies.
For our artists association, Loviisa Contemporary, REST means collective daydreaming and napping, record listening, smelling scents, reading books and talking about them, having common sauna with ceramics, paddling along Loviisa Bay in a group, having our own lynchian radio program about something that we dont know yet, making our own synthetizators, jamming, cooking together, being philosophic and amazingly talented thinkers in the kitchen, walking and talking in the dark autumn forest and making outdoor crocuis. All in all - being social or unsocial in time and place. IRL.
Join us if you please, lets rest in peace together! Follow our instagram/webpage to get more info of exact happenings during the year!